Tag Archives: Tax Advice

Taking a Dividend from Your Company

Cash Pile

This blog aims to give you some insight into taking a dividend from your company. Sometimes, clients ask us, “Is it better to take a salary of a dividend?” In most cases, a salary or bonus is better but not always and it will depend on the circumstances. The big advantage of salary is that

Tax Wish List for 2025

Making a wish

I know a tax wish list for 2025 doesn’t set the pulses racing like Tom Cruise jumping from the roof of Stade de France. Or a new David Beckham line of underwear. But the small things keep us happy and small tax changes can put more cash in our pockets. Enough to fund some of

CGT Tips When Selling Property

Beautiful property for sale

This week we’ll look at some CGT Tips when selling property. I’ve been sorting out the taxes on several property disposals over the last few months. None have been straightforward. It’s not that they have been difficult but there have been little quirks in each case. I want to give you some tips. This should

Sole Trader to Limited Company

Sole Trader to Limited company

The move from Sole Trader to Limited Company can be painful in the earlier years. Some business owners find it hard to see the value of the move. While the initial 12 to 18 months can be tough, we see huge advantages in making this move. Why? Well, we have been through this in our

Universal Social Charge

Happy tax consultant with books

The Universal Social Charge [USC] came in after the financial crisis. It was to be a temporary tax and used to bolster the government finances. This was at a time of frequent visits by members of the IMF. But what was temporary has now become permanent. The USC is a tax, plain and simple. There

Tax Tips When Coming to Ireland

Coming to Ireland

I want to give you some Tax Tips when coming to Ireland. What I mean by coming here is staying here for a prolonged period. As such, you’ll become resident here. The idea for this came from a recent meeting I had with a Swiss couple. The lady, who we’ll call Mary, is from the

What Your Company Can Do For You

Couple in Love

What your company can do for you. By that I mean, what do you pay for, from net salary, that your company could pay? A typical reaction would be. Oh, I never thought about that. But why would you? We’ll look at some obvious things and a couple of less obvious costs where your company

Take Home Pay in 2024

cash notes

What will be your take home pay in 2024? We are all budgeted out at this stage. I had enough after getting my 5th of 9 budget briefings. When deciding on a blog topic I asked myself what interests people the most. For me, it’s the amount of extra cash in my pocket. To pay

Transfer a Site to a Child

Man cutting grass around his house

We’ll look at what’s involved tax-wise on the transfer of a site to a child. The idea for this came from a meeting I had with the Falcones during the week. John Falcone is the dad. Bridget Falcone is the mother and owns the land. Molly Falcone is the daughter. Points to cover will include

Normal Place of Work – Expenses

Arm wrestle for money

Be aware of your normal place of work when claiming expenses. Are you entitled to claim them and what are the things to watch out for? We’ll take a look at a case that came before the Tax Appeals Commission last year. Let’s find out more about The Stars The issues Case for Jerry Case