Category Archives: Company Formation

Sole Trader to Limited Company

Sole Trader to Limited company

The move from Sole Trader to Limited Company can be painful in the earlier years. Some business owners find it hard to see the value of the move. While the initial 12 to 18 months can be tough, we see huge advantages in making this move. Why? Well, we have been through this in our

Is Your Company Shareholding Right?

Carton of eggs

Is your company shareholding right is the question that is tumbling around in my head. What sparked the idea for this blog was a meeting with a businesswoman on Wednesday. She wanted a chat about growing and valuing her business. Ultimately, she’d love to sell it and we got onto the topic of who owns

Normal Place of Work – Expenses

Arm wrestle for money

Be aware of your normal place of work when claiming expenses. Are you entitled to claim them and what are the things to watch out for? We’ll take a look at a case that came before the Tax Appeals Commission last year. Let’s find out more about The Stars The issues Case for Jerry Case

Holding Company Structure

We will look at a holding company structure and see how this works. You’ll get to know the O’Driscolls and their reasons for setting up a holding company. The main points that we will look at are Introduction How it works Advantages Disadvantages Summary Introduction Ron and Conor O’Driscoll [Rod & Cod] are brothers, in

Transferring your Business to a Company


We will look at the tax considerations of transferring your business to a company. The main points we will cover are Goodwill. Is there any? Sell your business for shares Sell your business for cash Potential Tax reliefs Other considerations Summary Goodwill. Is there any? Goodwill. You sell your business to a third party and

Cost of Setting Up a Company in Ireland

setting up a new company

This week we will explore pricing and the cost of setting up a company with us. It is a question we are often asked by our clients and prospects. Whether you are moving from a sole trader to a company or forming a new company to trade you want to know the price. We will

Tax Strategy For Your Business

Tax Strategy For Your Business

Over the next few weeks, we are going to look at a Tax Strategy for your business. We will start with a sole trader/partnership and look at a limited company next week. The reason for this is to give you some ideas in this space. You want your business to be as lean and efficient

Setting Up A Business – Company or Sole Trader?

Good morning all, and dare I say it, but the day is looking positive. Not exactly fry an egg on a stone but there’s some heat in it! It’s fantastic to see a bit of positivity about the place. The vaccines are getting out there and people are very excited to get them. My sister,

Company Directors – What salary do I need?

We are dragging ourselves through January which was best described by a friend as a very bland month. We will persevere and hope is on the horizon. Great to see numbers dropping in a small way. It’s fantastic to see healthcare workers and people in nursing homes getting vaccinated. It would be a major plus

New Company – What Next?

New Company – What Next? Over the last 12 months we are thankfully seeing more and more businesses not only commencing but starting to grow and generate more profits. This is very positive to see and is resulting in previous “one man show” type businesses starting to take on an employee or two. When a