Tag Archives: business growth

Sole Trader to Limited Company

Sole Trader to Limited company

The move from Sole Trader to Limited Company can be painful in the earlier years. Some business owners find it hard to see the value of the move. While the initial 12 to 18 months can be tough, we see huge advantages in making this move. Why? Well, we have been through this in our

Investing in the Numbers

Bookkeeping. Investing in the numbers.

I want to show you how investing in the numbers can add value to your business. That can make you richer and make everyone happier. Including Revenue. What sparked this idea was a call from my friend Johnny this morning at 8.20. “Well Johnny, what’s up”? “I’ve to tax the van and I need to

Selling Our Services

a client meeting

I was on a webinar yesterday that got me thinking about selling our services. How do we sell them, as in our sales process, and our perceptions about price, value, and affordability? What does the client expect and what do they think about the service they’ll get? The webinar was about Income Protection and what

Business Problems Create Personal Problems

Building a house

This week I want to explain how business problems create personal problems. I had a meeting on Wednesday afternoon with Niall. There was one major thing he wanted to achieve in the next few years. And it wasn’t a business goal but a personal one. It got me thinking about how the business interacts with

Bookkeeping – Do You Need Help?

Bookkeeping process

With bookkeeping do you need help? Gone are the days when one person can keep on top of all the changes coming thick and fast. Arriving like an express train into your inbox from the well-oiled Revenue machine. Let’s look at What is bookkeeping? Current system The good, the bad & the ugly Time for

How Xero will change your life for the better

The difference Xero makes to the lives of business owners can’t be overstated. The digital accounting software has been created specifically for entrepreneurs, designed to free up your time and give you a treasure trove of actionable insights. We’ve already looked at how cloud accounting will help your business, but let’s get more specific: here’s

How will cloud accounting help my business?


In 2024, using spreadsheets for your business accounting is clunky and inefficient. Desktop-based programs like Excel require extra hours and effort that could be spent developing your business. The answer? Digital accounting software. When operated correctly, this cloud-based technology streamlines your finances and yields reliable data you can use to your advantage. Let’s look at

Why your bookkeeping is rubbish


It’s so much more than just a compliance task. “Rubbish” may be a strong word to use, but we so often see entrepreneurs restricting their own business’s growth by limiting their bookkeeping to basic record-keeping. While this fulfils compliance purposes for Revenue, it doesn’t even scratch the surface of the powerful insights you could gain

Your Accountant – A Bean Counter!

Bean counter

My friend John calls me a bean counter, knowing that I am part of an accountancy and tax business. The bean counter reference is an accusation. A not-so-subtle dig at the accountancy profession. He doesn’t hold accountants in high esteem and is brutally honest about it. I came across the Bean Counter Cafe on my

Bookkeeping – A Partnership Approach

We are in this together

We will look at bookkeeping and how a partnership approach can make your life easier. Plus, it can improve the bottom line and put more cash in your pocket. Introducing you to Conor and Amy [their real names] we will touch on some of the things that helped them. And why they decided to use