Category Archives: Non-residents

Non-Resident Landlord Withholding Tax


A new non-resident landlord withholding tax system or NLWT as Revenue call it. I know this is not the most thrilling news you’ll hear today, but it’s important if you are in this space. We have non-resident clients who we do this work for. The purpose of the blog is to give you an idea

Tax Tips When Coming to Ireland

Coming to Ireland

I want to give you some Tax Tips when coming to Ireland. What I mean by coming here is staying here for a prolonged period. As such, you’ll become resident here. The idea for this came from a recent meeting I had with a Swiss couple. The lady, who we’ll call Mary, is from the

Non-Resident Landlords – Beds are Burning

Burning money

Non-resident landlords – Beds are Burning. There’s a new tax system in town and it’s gunning for you. It will take money from you and give it to Revenue. And it will be up to you to get it back. The lyrics of the Midnight Oil song Beds are Burning are washing around in my