Author Archives: Comerford Foley

Cash is King……..but it’s not Profit!

Cash is King……..but it’s not Profit! When any business owner gets their monthly (hopefully!) or annual Accounts the first number that they scroll towards is the profit number. This is generally followed by the question……where is all the cash? How can I have made a profit if I don’t have any cash! Cash generated and

Business Sale – What to do with a €230k Tax saving?

Business Sale – What to do with a €230k Tax saving? We would often talk with business owners and one of the questions we always ask is about the long term plan of the owner. Quite often, in reply, we get a glazed look as to know what we mean by that. When you are

Corporate Governance – A case study on how it might work in practice and help your company move forward

Corporate Governance – A case study on how it might work in practice and help your company move forward 1. Overview of the Company. This Company is a second generation company trading for over 50 years (“The Company”). It is currently run by 2 brothers and 2 sisters, all of whom own The Company equally

How does Corporate Governance fit into a Family Business?

How does Corporate Governance fit into a Family Business? 1. What is Governance? It is widely written that the concept of governance evolved around 3,500 year ago from the ancient greek word “Kubernetes” which means the person giving steerage or direction to a ship. Corporate governance came into focus in the 1990’s in the UK

Bookkeeping and Financial Control Mistakes to avoid!

Bookkeeping and Financial Control Mistakes to avoid! Outside of the actual product or service your business is selling poor financial control and management can often by a cause of business failure. It is essential from the outset of your business that you invest the time and resources to ensure that there is good financial control.

Family Business – Disruption, disputes and the rest!

Family Business – Disruption, disputes and the rest! Last week I watched “The Founder”. Getting to watch a movie is a rare occasion these days with two young boys that are much more into watching Paw Patrol or Toy Story (yes….20 + years later it still generates revenue!). For those of you who have not

Thinking of Selling your Business – It’s Never Too Early to Start Planning

Thinking of Selling your Business – It’s Never Too Early to Start Planning A busy January has seen a number of clients come to us to discuss the future of their business and what their own personal objectives are. I think it is very important for business owners to take time out to think about