Category Archives: Business Transfer

Gifting Money to Children – Pay for the Wedding

Teddy holding money

Last week we spoke about Ludmila in our office and how she’s the lady to get your tax return right first time. This week we will look at gifting money to children. What to do and what not to do. The idea for this came from a client query whose son is getting married soon.

Should I Stay or Should I Go? – Business Formation

business into a company

Last week we spoke about Our hero Jeff when we first started working with an accountancy coach in the UK. We learned about the business journey and Jeff’s numbers. See here  This week we will talk about a meeting I had with Judy who was looking to discuss business formation. We will look at Judy’s

Passing on your Company – Excess Investment Assets – Part 2

Last week we looked at passing on a family company where there are excess investment assets. We introduced you to Mike and Brenda the owners of Cash Rich Ltd and their son Billy. In case you missed it see here This week we follow up on our blog from last week. We will look at

Passing on your Company – Excess Investment Assets – Part 1

Passing on your Company

Last week we looked at why we do marketing. This is vital for any small business looking to grow. In case you missed it see here. This week we are going to look at a problem a client came to us with back in 2016. It was a very interesting case, and the final result

Company Reorganisation – Passing On Your Business

Passing on your business

This week we are going to look at company reorganisations and passing on your business. The goal is that your son or daughter gets the business but not all the other wealth in the business. By other wealth, we mean excess cash, shares, investment bonds, and rental properties. We will look at The Good, the

Options to exit your company

Options to exit your company

It is a normal question for the exiting shareholder to ask. In the call I had, it was different. It was more to do with the strategy of the business owner and what approach to take. We will look at options to exit your company: The stars The question One solution Another route Tony at

Excess Cash On A Business Transfer

What a great week of weather before the schools go back. The very old [should be in a museum] writer of this hit 49 yesterday. He’s delighted to be still in his 40’s. There will be no mention of birthdays this time next year. A flock of quarrelsome crows was my alarm clock this morning.

Tax Strategy For Your Business – Part 3

Two weeks ago, we looked at a Tax Strategy for a growing business. In case you missed it see here This week we are looking at a Tax strategy for the Directors who want to exit their business. The main points are Exit Plan Meet Reg Look at gifting shares to Megan Paulaid Ltd buying

Management Buy-Out. How Can This Work?

Management Buy Out

Last week we look at Part 2 of the Do’s and Don’ts when exiting a business. In case you missed it click here.  This week we are going to look at a Management Buyout and to see how that can work. The main discussion points will be How to do this The rest of the

Do’s and Don’ts When Exiting Your Business – Part 2

First off, a very well done to all those who organised and participated in the Waterford Marathon. It was virtual of course and especially well done to those that did the full marathon. Not easy when virtual and in the middle of Summer. I got around the half ok and had a nice comfortable, hill